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A COVID-19 outbreak among the San Jose Sharks on Saturday caused their home game against the Winnipeg Jets to be delayed 30 minutes.

Seven Sharks players were placed in COVID-19 protocol and were ruled out for the game, along with head coach Bob Boughner, who was not on the bench against the Jets. Assistant coach John MacLean took over head coaching duties for the night.

Players ruled out of the game less than a half hour before puck drop were forwards Andrew Cogliano, Jonathan Dahlen and Matt Nieto, along with defensemen Erik Karlsson, Jake Middleton, Radim Simek and Marc-Edouard Vlasic.

“All San Jose Sharks and San Jose Barracuda players and staff are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and compliant with the NHL’s COVID-19 testing and guidance protocols,” the Sharks said in a statement.

The San Jose Mercury-News reported that five Sharks players had tested positive for COVID-19. MacLean said before the game that “some” players had tested positive.

The positive results revealed Saturday were from tests taken Friday.

The Sharks were able to recall five players from the San Jose Barracuda of the AHL: forwards John Leonard and Nick Merkley, along with defensemen Jaycob Megna, Nicolas Meloche and Ryan Merkley.

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